
Top Pages

The following data have been collected/updated every now and then (unfortunately it is NOT the real time statistics and very likely subject to errors). The Facebook β€˜Likes’ Statistics are generated based on Facebook APIs. The URLs have changed a couple of times in the past and therefore the numbers you have seen here may not match exactly to the latest.

RankingArticles / PostsFacebook Likes
#1Integer Performance Comparison for C++, C#, Delphi270
#2Ahmdal's Law79
#3Which is Faster? VBScript or JScript on WSH - A Performance Comparison using Sieve of Eratosthenes51
#4Simple C++ Coding Exercise - Use Lookup Table to Eliminate the Condition Checks33
#5High Performance FillChar Method Comparison for 32 bit (every four bytes)31
#6Using Faster Integer Power in Java24
#7How Many One's Between Number 1 to N ?22
#8Unrolling the Loop21
#9C++ Coding Example, Using Hash Algorithm to Remove Duplicate Number by O(n)19
#10Accessing Multi-Dimensional Array in Row-Column Sequence (C/C++)14
#11Counting the number of Leading Zeros for a 32-bit Integer (Signed or Unsigned)12
#12Using Faster Psudo-Random Generator: XorShift11
#13Performance Comparison between PHP7.0.11 and PHP5.6.23 on Two VPS9
#14Using a Faster Approach to Judge if a Integer is power of Two9
#15KPIs To Increase Your Website Uptime8
#16Fast Power of Two Equal or Larger than a 32-bit Integer8
#17Using Faster Exponential Approximation5
#18Put the Most-likely If-checks in the Front5
#19Hello world!5
#20Archives of Pages/Posts2

RankingArticles / PostsGD Ratings
#1Performance Comparison between PHP7.0.11 and PHP5.6.23 on Two VPS60
#2A Faster Approach to Count Set Bits in a 32-bit Integer40
#3Counting the number of Leading Zeros for a 32-bit Integer (Signed or Unsigned)36
#4Using Faster Psudo-Random Generator: XorShift32
#5Integer Performance Comparison for C++, C#, Delphi30
#6Using a Faster Approach to Judge if a Integer is power of Two30
#7Simple C++ Coding Exercise - Use Lookup Table to Eliminate the Condition Checks30
#8How Many One's Between Number 1 to N ?30
#9Accessing Multi-Dimensional Array in Row-Column Sequence (C/C++)23
#10High Performance FillChar Method Comparison for 32 bit (every four bytes)21
#11Using Faster Integer Power in Java20
#12Using Faster Exponential Approximation19
#13Ahmdal's Law17
#14Pair Programming for Interviews: A Collaborative Approach to Success10
#15Make Your Own VS Code Extension (Improve it Your Way)10
#16Why should you try pair programming? πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’»10
#17Popular Extensions of Visual Studio Code10
#18Cloud, the final frontier (Work from any device and any location)10
#19Multitasking or context switching?10
#20Unlock the Secret to Building Products Customers Love ❀️10

RankingArticles / PostsWP Comment Count
#1Which is Faster? VBScript or JScript on WSH - A Performance Comparison using Sieve of Eratosthenes8
#2Using Faster Exponential Approximation6
#3Integer Performance Comparison for C++, C#, Delphi5
#4Simple C++ Coding Exercise - Use Lookup Table to Eliminate the Condition Checks3
#5Put the Most-likely If-checks in the Front2
#6Using Faster Integer Power in Java2
#7Counting the number of Leading Zeros for a 32-bit Integer (Signed or Unsigned)1
#8How Many One's Between Number 1 to N ?1
#9C++ Coding Example, Using Hash Algorithm to Remove Duplicate Number by O(n)1

–EOF (Coding For Speed) β€”
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