
Is There Such Thing as High-Quality Code?

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Each year, millions of software programs and apps are constructed. The key to making these programs successful is bug-free and easy to maintain code.

In the past few years, the computer programming industry has exploded in popularity. Currently, there are nearly 500,000 computing jobs available in the United States. The companies looking for computer programmers want to hire individuals who can write quality code in a timely manner.

Over the years, the debate has raged on regarding whether or not there is such a thing as high-quality code. Whether you believe there is such a thing as high-quality code or you don’t, you can certainly agree there are varying degrees of quality when it comes to computer programming.

Here are some of the things you can do as a programmer to make your coding higher-quality.

Utilizing the Power of Code Linters

As any experienced programmer knows, your code is only as good as the tools you use. While most programmers and tech entrepreneurs realize the value of hosting tools like AWS Elastic Beanstalk, they fail to find and use tools to make their code better.

One of the best tools to use during the coding process is referred to as a linter. A code linter reads the code you are writing and generates warnings and output errors when needed. By using this tool, you can avoid coding mistakes with ease.

When setting up your code linter, be sure to enforce the framework standard for the particular coding language you are using. Doing this will keep your code error free and can help you avoid problems with maintaining the code in the future.

You Don’t Have to Make a Comment on Everything

Making comments in the code you are developing is not only helpful to you, but it can also help whoever is in charge of maintaining the program in the future. However, there is a fine line between making the right amount of comments and making far too many.

Leaving too many comments in your code can make it look very cluttered and confusing. Having no comments will generally lead to lots of confusion for programmers who deal with your program in the future. Finding your sweet spot when it comes to coding comments will take a lot of practice.

One of the main places where you need to put comments is at the top of each coding file. These notes should provide a brief overview and scope of the code on the page. You should also put class-level comments in when trying to make the purpose of your code easier to comprehend.


Testing Your Code is Vital

Once you have completed a large chunk of code, it is imperative to adequately test it. If your company has a quality assurance (QA) department, letting them take a look at your code is essential. Often times, you will be unable to see coding mistakes because you are too close to the project.

Allowing for an outsider to look at your code can help you find out what needs to be altered or changed. Rather than getting defensive when presented with a list of mistakes, you need to view this as a learning experience. Having this positive attitude will make you both a better programmer and a better employee. The last thing any employer wants is a programmer that is unable to take criticism due to the long-term problems this can cause.

As with any other skill, practice makes perfect when it comes to being a better programmer. The more you explore and master different programming languages, the more valuable you will be to your employer.

–EOF (Coding For Speed) —

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